Last week's agenda was:
- Upload articles to this website,
- Finish work on a paper analysing what Lee Basham calls the 'public trust approach',
- Revise a paper on reasonable disagreements and conspiracy theories,
- Work on my paper for the `Trust, Expert Opinion and Policy' conference and
- Prep for the podcast.
So, scratch the first and last off the list; podcast signed, sealed and delivered. and you can see a fledging publications page here.
I also did quite a lot of work on item 3, especially since the conference is less than a week away. Not much work on the second and third items though (admittedly, I was ill last week, which impeded things ever so slightly). I should really think of those items as 'If I have time' options. Although by this time next week I should have time aplenty to deal with them.
So, this week:
- Work on my paper for the `Trust, Expert Opinion and Policy' conference,
- Prep for the podcast,
- Finish work on a paper analysing what Lee Basham calls the 'public trust approach' and
- Revise a paper on reasonable disagreements and conspiracy theories.
Rock on with your good selves.