#twecon 2012

Call for Papers: #twecon – September, 2012

The author of the blog “EPISTO!,” Matthew Dentith (HORansome), invited paper titles and abstracts for the 3rd #twecon, which was held from September the 3rd to 4th, 2012 (12pm NZST on the 3rd to 12pm NZST on the 4th).

The brief for this tweet-based conference was open and papers were accepted on any topic.

Details about the previous #twecon, including copies of the papers given at the conference, can be found here and here.


1. Papers may be no longer than 6 tweets in length (with one of those tweets being a compulsory title/byline).

2. Each tweet must be numbered.

3. Tweets may link to images, short video clips (less than thirty seconds in length), but cannot link to written material unless it is a link to a quote, further readings, et cetera.

You should not use a link in a tweet to get around the 140 character limit.

4. Each tweet must have the following tag: #twecon

The Conference

Attendees were advised to keep an eye on the #twecon hashtag during that time or visit this page for updates.

After the opening address (at 12pm) was given presenters were able to start giving their papers.

At the close of the con attendees were expected to go to their local alehouse, pub, coffee spot or liquor cabinet for a post-conference drink. There was no requirement to wear name tags during the conference, but it was suggested that if people wanted to wear a badge emblazoned “I just presented at #twecon: ask me about my paper!” they would not be stopped from doing so (unless such an activity was illegal in their jurisdiction).

All papers are archived below:

Opening Address

1. Welcome, one and all, to the 3rd #twecon, and this, the “Opening address.” This year it’s a bit different. [image]

2. As there was no deadline for #twecon abstracts this year, I really have no idea what’s going to be presented over the next 24 hours.

3. I mean, we could end up having an entire #twecon stream about Thelema, as far as I know, & invoke the Great Beast. [image]

4. Business: Some preparatory remarks; don’t tweet all at once; the con lasts the full 24 hours and remember to follow the #twecon hashtag.

5. The guidelines for #twecon are here: https://www.mrxdentith.com/allembracing/allembracing/2012/08/07/cfp-twecon-2012-september-3rd-12pm-nzst-to-4th-12pm-nzst/ Speakers: can you please post an explanatory link after your presentations?

6. And with that, we are now all go! Enjoy #twecon! I’m enjoying it from my sick bed (the photos were taken yesterday). [image]

Towards an Ethics of Investigation into Conspiracy Theories – #twecon – @HORansome

1. Towards an Ethics of Investigation into Conspiracy Theories – @HORansome

2Even if we think conspiracies are rare, the threat of political conspiracy means that we should be interested in investigating them #twecon

3I’ve looked at the permissibility of belief in conspiracy theories, but we need an account of when it’s permissible to investigate #twecon

4. Investigating does not entail you think it is warranted, let alone that you think it is plausible. Just means it matters if true. #twecon

5. We can motivate an ethics of investigation with reference to conditional claims of what it would mean if the conspiracy existed? #twecon

6 There are lots of conspiracy theories; it’s a logistical nightmare to investigate them all & what scares me might not threaten you #twecon

Cook Islands Māori (CIM): Phonology, Orthography and Controversy – @Te_Reo_KA

1: Cook Islands Māori (CIM): Phonology, Orthography and Controversy #twecon KEY: LMS = London Missionary Society

2: LMS first devised an orthography for CIM in the early C19 for the purpose of translating the Bible and converting the heathens #twecon

3: In their innocence they missed 2 major phonemic features: vowel length and the glottal stop, resulting in this ambiguity #twecon

4: E rima ua a tatou manga, e rua oki ika. (Luke 9.13). Intended translation: We have no more but five loaves and two fishes. #twecon

5: Totally possible alternative translation: We have no more but five loaves and two pudenda muliebria. #twecon

6: Reason 1 of many for supporting orthographic reform in Cook Islands Māori http://www.ethnologue.com/show_lang_family.asp?code=rar #twecon

The Breathing Fourth Wall: Audience in Theatre – @librarykris

1. The Breathing Fourth Wall: Audience in Theatre – @librarykris #twecon

2.Every show changes when it goes in front of an audience. What can we do as audience to allow the performers to work at their best? #twecon

3. I mean audience reaction, not audience participation. #twecon

4. Consider – how audience reaction is being invited. What is the style of the show? What is the mood of this scene? #twecon

5. e.g. Commedia dell’Arte relies on, and directly invites audience reaction; contemporary theatre tends to be more remote. #twecon

6. Recommendations – See as much as you can. Be generous. Give your emotions- gasp, laugh, lean in, lean back, cry. #twecon

Choice of Birth Place and Perception of Safety – @Artandmylife

1. Choice of Birth Place and Perception of Safety. @Artandmylife #twecon

2. My research analysing 2011 data showed many women travelled long distances to give birth in their place of choice #twecon

3. Much of the choice of birth place revolved around personal and care giver perceptions of safety and risk, evidence based or not. #twecon

4. ‘a safe place’ meant different things to different women:- home, primary units, secondary hospitals or even an operating theatre #twecon

5. In a public, government funded maternity system does perception of safety have a place in birthplace choices? #twecon

6. Unwarranted high level care can be very costly. However in childbirth, should perceived control of risk & safety be at any cost? #twecon

There’s only one e in learning – @traintheteacher

1. There’s only one e in learning #twecon – @traintheteacher

2. e-learning, 21st century learning, network for learning. The internet is supposed be a game changer in education. #twecon

3. Yet are we really changing the game? Does using a computer automatically mean someone is learning? #twecon

4. The internet enables the efficient delivery of content. However content without meaningful connections renders the tool impotent. #twecon

5.The true power of the internet is authentic audiences and the ability of students to interact with experts outside their community #twecon

6. E-learning by its very terminology puts technology ahead of the personal interactions and more importantly ahead of the learning. #twecon

Closing Address

1 Well, everyone, thanks for coming along. I think it’s fair to say that this year #twecon was not the success it has been in previous years

2. In past #twecons we’ve had quite a number of papers tweeted but, this year we saw a 75% reduction. I’m happy to take the blame for this.

3Previously I asked for titles and abstracts to be in a week before #twecon, so I a) could advertise papers and b) could send out reminders.

4 I decided to relax that rule and accept submissions on the day. This worked out for some but it didn’t produce a deluge of #twecon papers.

5. Still, this is what we call a “teachable moment” and it, hopefully, won’t stop the next #twecon from occurring early next year.

6So, on that possibly cheery note, it’s ta-rah. #twecon is now closed: to the social area for drinks and foodstuffs! [image]