Doctor Who – Deep Breath

Apologies to people coming here for talk of conspiracy theories: over the next twelve weeks I will be posting very short reviews of the latest “Doctor Who” episodes since one of the reasons I ever aspired to get a PhD was to be be called “Doctor”.

“Deep Breath” might be Steven Moffat’s attempt to revitalise the show he has been piloting aimlessly for a while now. I loved the anniversary story last year but hated the regeneration tale. However, the choice of Peter “Malcolm Tucker” Capaldi as the new Doctor was inspired: an older man as the Doctor was a much needed change after both David Tennant and Matt Smith (both of whom I liked). ((Yes, I think a much more inspired choice could have been made but it wasn’t.)) Capaldi’s Doctor is a bit cantankerous, slightly needy and prone to talking rather than madcap running. His introductory story is a bit ho-hum: the focus is really more on who this new Doctor is. The surprise reveals at the end of the episode are slightly more troubling: whilst it was nice to see a certain someone again as a last hurrah (no spoilers for you, sweeties) the introduction of this season’s overarching plot came off as belonging more to Matt Smith’s tenure than it did to the slightly more serious set-up we got for the new Doctor. Still, roll on next week.