#twecon takes place on the 11th of July and these are the papers you can expect to see presented.
Matthew Dentith – The problem with official theories
David Cauchi – Perspective painting proves nothing exists
stacefamily – Moving beyond love and luck: building right relationships and respecting lived experience in New Zealand autism policy
In 1997 a mother killed her autistic daughter but in spite of much policy attention since, ASD remains a ‘wicked’ problem. Why?
stutterdude – Stuttering Fun Facts: things you might not have known about stuttering
Josh Addison – A meta-comedic defence of touchy topics
Paul Scoones – Scripting Subtitles: the pros and cons of writing production notes for classic series Doctor Who DVDs
Mike Dickison – A new reconstruction for the giant Haast’s Eagle, Harpagornis moorei
George Darroch – “Invisible Genocide” – claims of secret genocide(s) in Indonesian Papua
Cheryl Bernstein – A photographer is a person who attempts to place within the image information that is not predicted by the camera
Matthew Dentith – Summarising a 85,000 word PhD thesis, entitled “In defense of conspiracy theories,” in 5 tweets
Megan Clayton – A third, a third, a third: some thoughts on union activism in a New Zealand provincial university
Robyn Gallagher – Seen Your Video: The Early Years of NZ On Air-funded Music Videos
Pauline Dawson – A Farewell Symphony: Memory loss and the loss of memories
Heather Gaye – Culture Shocker: anecdotal-but-hard-learned tips for kiwi travelers on surviving the move to London.
James Butler – Socialised media, privatised message: the shifting focus of the editorial voice
Andrew Long – TMI: Twitter as emergent autobiographical manifestation engine
Train the Teacher – It’s about the learning: The role of teachers in the information age
<a href=””http://twitter.com/parkesweb”>Steve Parks – ¿Nadie piensa en los niños? Un caso para la enseñanza de lengua extranjera obligatoria.
Or: “Won’t somebody think of the children? A case for mandatory foreign language teaching.”
Aimee Whitcroft – Robots and tentacles: the singularity as kraken