- Call for Papers: 1st Episto Tweet Conference, December 3rd, 2010 http://bit.ly/9WHPzZ #twecon #
- "The Perigo Position" #lindsayperigotvshowtitles #
- "How to Argue Fallaciously the Perigo Way" #lindsayperigotvshowtitles #
- "The Perigo Proposition" or "Propostion: Perigo." #lindsayperigotvshowtitles #
- Experimental biscuit baking goes well; I succeed in making nutritious vegan chocolate apricot oat cookies! #
- My blog's database has gone missing; not that impressed by Popmedia's hosting this last twelve months. Any suggestions for a new local host? #
- Posts are back. #
- Actually discussing 9/11 in the thesis. I've managed to avoid it for quite some time. #
- I find it very hard to put forward a convincing case (to then debunk) for the Inside Job Hypothesis. It just seems so flimsy. Is flimsy. #
- Nice! 3Deals is giving away an Apple iPhone 4 …enter here: http://winthis.co/3deals/r/7865 /cc @3dealsnz #
- Yes, sometimes I shill for the advertisers. I am a poor student. #
- New biscuits are good but could do with a little less sugar. #
- Too much time spent trying to make sense of 9/11. I need chips, fizzy and maybe some Guinness. #
- The subtitles on the copy of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" that I just watched were hilariously awful. "Stop rooting up my daughter!" #
- Bugger. Once again, got distracted by the thesis and worked past the point of being able to attend "Media 7." Sorry, @publicaddress #
- Ted is funny in this episode of "How I Met Your Mother." First time in seasons. "Good luck killing James Bond!" #
- "The Girl Who Played With Fire" (novel) was a bit rubbish. No real mystery and very drawn out. I will read the next book but am in no rush. #
- It seems @dpfdpf hasn't recently met a conspiracy theory about the New Zealand Left that he hasn't decided to endorse. What fun it must be. #
- Having defended the Outside Job Hypothesis and proved that Al-Qaeda did it, I'm going to celebrate with an early coffee. #
- Next up: I prove that Marcus Brutus and friends definitely killed Gaius Iulius Caesar and that Stalin was a monster. #
- Some days I think the thesis should be called "In retrospect, it was blindingly obvious…: the Epistemology of conspiracy theories." #
- This three and an half thousand words can go to my supervisors. #
- Glad to see the Herald is helping advertise the sale of a Moa skull. I mean, they couldn't have waited until after the sale to do the story? #
- The film of "The Girl Who Played With Fire" must be incomprehensible if you haven't read the book. It looks like it was shot on the cheap. #
- So, British Civilisation has just ended on a whimper, in re #twitterjoketrial It was never much to start with, but to die like this? #
- Reminder: Tweet-based conference on the 3rd of December. Call for Papers here: http://bit.ly/9WHPzZ Get those abstracts in! #twecon #
- Spent large chunk of last night talking conspiracy theories to drunks only to get berated by a lecturer for St. Andrews. True story. #
- #twecon followers, I recommend following @Lawrence_Miles, whose multi-part tweets were part of the inspiration behind the Twitter conference #