- Being wrapped in honey is quite pleasant. #
- Atheist? Theist? Agnostic? Read this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-shook-phd/for-atheists-and-believer_b_715546.html #
- I think I might have to dump part of this chapter into another; it's good material but it does not fit. #
- Note to all; Christchurch stuff is not an example of material from the thesis. It's just a little practice of some non-thesis writing. #
- Played Grand Theft Hippo (Red Dead Redemption) on Friday; it's good but not a big enough improvement over GTA4 to get me to buy it. #
- Votes cast for the local body elections. #
- "Delta and Bannermen" continues to get worse, episode by episode. How JNT allowed Pip and Jane Baker to even put crayon to paper astounds me #
- Still, the thing that makes "D&tBm" fascinating is just how easily the Welsh and the American characters accept the presence of aliens. #
- It's a pity that this utterly breaks the suspension of disbelief. No wonder I blocked this story from my memory. #
- Part four of my continuing series on the Christchurch Earthquake conspiracy theories: http://bit.ly/9UH7lf #
- I have discovered the secret of increasing blog traffic. Write posts people want to read. I should market this (and not post it to Twitter). #
- http://win.nzherald.co.nz/change/index.php?ref=ts #
- In which I post a video of myself not talking about conspiracy theories: http://bit.ly/d57KqK #
- Bailing on "Media 7" watching again, it seems. Day started at six and I spent most of it teaching. Now all I want is Rubicon, soup and bread #
- I just did a test render of the complete thesis; it's a slim 1 meg PDF. Well done, LaTeX. It's also 102,000 words, so a bit portly in places #
- I've gone two weeks without visiting Chris Trotter's blog and I'm feeling fine. Have been watching DPF's though; he stands up for dictators! #
- Taught two classes on the North Head conspiracy theories today. My "Wayne Mapp" joke bombed but it seems the people like Indiana Jones jokes #
- RT @AlanTuringYear Office in Man Uni whr Turing & Bernard Richards workd on morphogenesis in '50s still thr! Blue commem plaque pls! #Turing #
- Just as I was about to click post, another Freemasonic plot is suggested for the Christchurch Earthquake. It might just be easier to go mad. #
- Part Five of my series on the Earthquake conspiracy theories: http://bit.ly/9e0dA0 #
- Sometimes I read, aloud, the material I am typing. Luckily, I only ever do this at home. I think my office mates might resent it. #
- Lunch with Stephen Colbert. I'm thinking of Jon. #
- Watching Plavement play on "The Colbert Report." Malkmus has aged well; the others not so much. He looks like he's playing with his uncles. #
- And lo, the conspiracy theorists began to respond to my claims about them: http://bit.ly/bJyOd2 and http://bit.ly/baevzr #
- "He declined to be interviewed yesterday, but said in TEXT MESSAGES that he still considered himself a Labour MP." #weliveinthefuture #
- Hello Twitter. I want you to somehow give unto me an iPhone 4. Have I mentioned I am a poor PhD student? #testingtwitterskindness #
- Ken Ring seems to be claiming that he predicted the Earthquake and that there will be another one on the 1st of October. #
- Why have I just spent the last hour reading up on Ken Ring? Why am I not watching mindless TV or playing a computer game? #
- My blogposts haven't been this "popular" since the blog came under attack by the 9/11 Truth Movement. #
- Angry but composed letter sent to John Key about his MMP remarks: check. #
- "You're an A convert now." #saidinclass #
- There's a sofa in this lecture theatre. How did it get there? #dirkgently #hhgttg #
- Was thinking "Mm, maybe go to Webstock." The saw the date it is on. The saw the price. Date could be negotiated, but the price… #
- RT @juhasaarinen: RT @MiramarMike: http://www.galileowaswrong.com/ … *sigh* #
- Thinking of collating the Christchurch Earthquake conspiracy theories posts into an article. Suggestions in re places to submit it to? #eqnz #
- Good news: chapter is beginning to feel like it's going somewhere. Bad news: that "somewhere" is really messing up the chapter's structure. #
- RT @TimOfLegend: I'm angry, but more determined than ever to beat this game. This is the phase I like to call, "Hate Play." #
- Part six of my continuing series of conspiracy theories about the Christchurch Earthquake: http://bit.ly/aGqqjS #eqnz #
- RT @thisfog: Just wore the arse out of another pair of pants. Following my passion one pair of sweatpants at a time. #
- "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" was good but the last third really wasn't particularly scary whatsover. #
- Guaranteed way to make a good mood dissipate: making the mistake of reading anything recent by Lindsay Perigo. Sigh. Nap time. #
- "Psych" reference to "Remington Steele" has really made my day. #
- I was discussing exactly this subject the other day: http://bit.ly/bnOZUC #
- Quiet night in interrupted by drinking with flatmate and her sister. Good times had by all; subsequent edits of a document may need checking #