A Conspiracy Week of Tweets 2010-09-05

  • First successful loaf from the breadmaker in months. This is such good news that I had to tweet it. #
  • Dear Bronagh Key: dare you to wear pants. (via @LewisStoddart) #
  • The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party – NYTimes.com http://tumblr.com/xquh4hohc #
  • Hmm, it seems that rumouring about rumours pays well. Thanks, Singapore. #
  • It's not official yet, but my keratoconus (http://bit.ly/c54mpt) seems to be advancing significantly. What ho, eventual corneal graft! #
  • In a good news/bad news kind of thing, it seems my eyes aren't degenerating too badly; I just have a lack of focus. #
  • I told you defining things wouldn't work out: http://bit.ly/aHsZZB #
  • Well, I'm glad I bought in that washing. #
  • The Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator http://tumblr.com/xquhhnozu #
  • The Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator | Clipmarks http://bit.ly/aYDX5I (via @DrvTimeHappyHr) #
  • Yes, I do engage in internet dating, although profiles like this will scare me away: http://yfrog.com/5d8dap #
  • In case it's not clear, the logo on the t-shirt says "White Pride World Wide." Gah. http://yfrog.com/0kow4sp #