Blog Silence

My blogging output has not been great the last few months and I’m not really sure why. I have drafts galore; another look at the ‘Uncensored’ article, more on Trevor Loudon, et all, but the will to finish them?


I can blame the thesis, of course. When you have to choose between finishing a blog post and finishing a section of a major piece of writing the thesis wins out (or so I find; others may differ in their opinions).

The thesis, for those who are asking, goes well. It’s annual report time and I joked with my supervisor that no fees would be paid until I saw his comments, to which he smiled and said he could see no problems with that.

Maybe the thesis is the solution; perhaps a few choice sections to whet appetites, improve minds and perhaps spur commentary? It’s either that or “Blog Holiday ((That should be a euphemism.)).”


Giovanni says:

Bits of the thesis seem like the way to go for me. It’s what I would have done (and it would have been productive, I think) if I had had the good sense to keep a blog during the PhD.

llewelly says:

Maybe the thesis is the solution; perhaps a few choice sections to whet appetites, improve minds and perhaps spur commentary?

Choice thesis sections sounds like an excellent idea. (Though I’m just an interested amateur, rather than a scholar.)