
Well, today I received a package of `Skeptic Magazines,’ ten in all, in which my article doth appear. I’m going to give one of them away. If you want it, well, you’ll have to earn it.

I want, in fifty words or less, a fictional Conspiracy Theory that suggests some incredible explanation for a totally mundane event. Something like ‘The Atlanteans are responsible for the English alphabet having only twenty-six characters.’

Except in more words.

Deadline: September 5th.

If no one enters I might just randomly send out a copy. If only one person enters… Well, that’s just sad (on my part).


Mausie says:

Sarah Palin’s baby isn’t really hers, it’s actually her daughter’s but they wanted to hush it up for unobvious reasons, so Sarah pretended to be pregnant and then flew on a plane during her supposed labour to arrive at the hospital in time to walk out carrying the baby.

Mausie says:

Hang on.

James says:

Emotional tears contain manganese whereas tears caused by irritation do not. Magnanese is produced by the brain during emotional stress, and its excretion helps us feel better. Human sentience was catalysed by minute manganese-eating goblins that live in our eyes and are responsible for increasing rates of depression.

admin says:

Well, it’s a little hard to choose out of the two of you, so I’m awarding you each (and not with half a magazine each, because that would be almost perverse). If you can e-mail me (check my `About’ page) your postal addresses I’ll get them under way.