Well, what a week. I’m back tutoring in the Department of Philosophy, I had a two hour eye exam up at the Med School and the CCE class was, well, amazingly good (and I’m not one for such adjectives).
As noted a few days ago, I’m giving a presentation at the Skeptics Conference down in Hamilton. It’s at 9:15 in the AM and I’m not really expecting anyone I know or love to go (not even the FHG). Frankly, I don’t want to go, but that’s really only because 9:15AM, on a Saturday, is a time I like to experience in the privacy of my bedroom.
Still, it will be a good chance for those of you interested in scepticism and philosophy to come and hear me talk. Of course, if the issue of ‘The Skeptic’ is out by then you will have read my paper (but my voice is so dulcet that really, the presentation is a far better deal), although I might have had some comments upon it by that time so replies and suchlike could be added in for fruitiness and flavour.
Anyway. As noted in the first sentence I had a two hour eye exam; I have keratoconus and thus need to have the topography of my eyes mapped from time to time to chart the progress of the disease. The good news is not only has the natural stiffening of my cornea (which happens in your late twenties and early thirties) started to counteract my growing astigmatism but, and this is far more important, my ability to read really small print is better than average.
Years of reading footnotes has finally paid off.
If I was the Fundy Post I’d link to a music video now.
Ah, eye exams at the Med school. I remember waiting down in that old building for Dr McKay, nostalgia.
The picture that stares you in the face when you look up “Keratoconus” on Wikipedia is a ripper.
One of my father’s eyes looks like that; I’m hopefully going to escape that degree of distortion.