Not on this blog, but on Poneke’s. I’m currently addicted to the comments accruing on Poneke’s review of ‘Absolute Power’ (which I still would like a copy of to read and review myself – hint hint). Not only do we get Ian Wishart responding to criticisms against his book in trademark style, but Keri Hulme, Book[er; silly me with my dropped suffixes…] Prize winner, has joined in. Allegations of a feminist conspiracy theory with links to Soviet Russia abound; indeed, Trevor Loudon, whose Soviet Conspiracy Theories I have already touched upon (here and here) has already been cited.
Exciting stuff. I find myself wishing there was a RSS feed for this post so I didn’t have to keep hitting the site to find out which new version of events Wishart was switching to next.
Not just a book prize, but the booker prize!
But yes, that comment thread is incredible. Both in the accepted meaning and the ‘certain of these comments and authors (one in particular) are not credible. Perhaps, in lieu of a book for review, you could review that thread.
I wouldn’t know where to start. I certainly think that there are grounds to do an ‘Expelled Exposed’ style website in respect to ‘Absolute Power’ (based upon the comments thus far; if I had a copy of the book I could make a more informed judgement…) and that thread would be a great place to start.