Yea, verily, I have been learning the LaTeX and working out why LyX doesn’t quite work the way it claims to. It’s a very pernicky program and it craps out with abandon because it perverts LaTeX code with an ease that really is quite gratifying.
This is just a note to say ‘Hello,’ really. I have been converting my old Pages and Word documents into LyX files so that when I sling stuff online it will be nicely formatted and beautiful to behold should you choose to print any of it out. I’m hoping that in about a week’s time I can start putting up the PhD Proposal.
Until then, peace out, homies[1].
1. The management at All-Embracing Towers would like to apologise for the hip-ness and jiggy-ness of the last remark. Such behaviour is uncalled for and quite unnecessary. Live long and proser, peeps.