Eve’s Spite

If you were thinking of picking up a copy of Ian Wishart’s ‘Eve’s Bite’ because it might be good for a laugh, then don’t.

I mean, really, do not do it. Books like this one give vanity press an even worse name.


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You do realise that that was an afternoon spent that you will never get back. And worse still an afternoon devoted to Ian Wishart. Your book-judging antenna have a day off?

horansome says:

Tell me about it. It’s such a stupid book; I mean, it’s hard t convey just how stupid it is. His chapter on homosexuality basically asserts that there is no such thing as homosexuality; all homosexuals are are bisexuals who perversely choose to have sex with the same gender when they culd make the more moral choice of choosing to act like a heterosexual. His chapter on evolutionary biology uses a translation from the Gospel of Luke t prove that Jesus must have been God and thus disprove the tenets of that old atheistic claptrap evolution…

Yet it wasnt really an afternoon wasted. Wishart is a promulgator of Conspiracy Theories in New Zealand and as someone who studies these things (for what he hopes is a living in the future) I need to know what Wishart thinks he knows.

It was an exasperating afternoon, though, and one I wouldn’t like to repeat.

Anonymous says:

His chapter on evolutionary biology uses a translation from the Gospel of Luke t prove that Jesus must have been God and thus disprove the tenets of that old atheistic claptrap evolution…

You bastard, it’s a sentence like that that makes me want to read it to see just *how* he manages to do something so appalling. It’s like a car crash.