Conspiracy Corner – HAARP!

Last Thursday I talked about HAARP and its supposed role as a contributory cause to the Christchurch earthquake(s).

Rather than rehash material I’ve already blogged about, I’m going to point you towards my previous coverage of the Christchurch earthquake conspiracy theories.


The Christchurch Quake Conspiracy (plural) – Part Three – HAARP

HAARPing on about the weather ((Poor title pun the second. This is just embarrassing.))

Another installation which has been blamed for the Christchurch earthquake of September 4th is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) installation in Alaska. HAARP, according to Wikipedia, is:

an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes (such as missile detection).

although conspiracy theorists, like former wrestler and governor, Jesse Ventura, think that it is an above top secret weather control system and part of a geo-engineering effort run by the global elite. Aotearoa’s own Clare Swinney, one of the country’s leading conspiracy theorists ((Clare Swinney has written for Ian Wishart and Jonathan Eisen, which is real pedigree here in the Antipodes. Currently she is watching out for chemtrails in our southern skies, which are part of, apparently, some geo-engineering effort by the rich and powerful.)), agrees with him.

One of the chief tools of the geo-engineering elite is said to be the HAARP installation in Alaska, which, I am told, is based upon technologies developed by Nikola Tesla over a hundred years ago. Whilst the stated purpose of HAARP is the refinement of radio and satellite technologies, the real purpose, according to people like Swinney, is weather control for the overall purpose of population manipulation and the eventual installation of a One World Government.

Like the LHC conspiracy theories, the HAARP equivalents are examples of explanatory hypotheses only the “awakened” truly comprehend. The awakened are those people (although not those of us who are reading this post with approval) who have seen the connections between all things and realised the scary truth of what is really happening. Those of us who approve of blog entries such as this, are “sleepers;” we accept what the “mainstream media” say and trust in the words of scientists and other supposedly “qualified” experts whose goals are the dissemination of disinformation ((The grammar of this sentence seems odd; please send help.)).

Most of us are sleepers and have not yet awakened; we are not aware that there are people, out there in the world, who are manipulating the environment to subdue and control us.

Now, once again, the kind of people who believe this also tend to deny that Anthropogenic ((I always seem to type “Anthropomorphic” before “Anthropogenic,” which probably proves their point.)) Climate Change is occurring (as mentioned previously).

Now, I find it a little hard to take the LHC and HAARP theories all that seriously; whilst there is a possibility that scientists, in their scientific research installations, are out to get us, it is a slight one (and, let us face it, I’d rather it was mad scientists than cunning politicians).

However, conspiracy theorists, like Swinney, can detect that particular “natural” phenomena have been induced by acts of geo-engineering. Over at Issues That Matter Most ((A site which you won’t be able to get into unless you sign up; I’ve been lurking there for quite some time now.)) some of the citizens-cum-denizens seem to be able to tell that the Christchurch quake was engineered because it feels unnatural.

The awakened can do this because they can detect… Oh, I was about to say “disturbances in the Force” but I can’t pull that off without making it the subject of my self-deprecating wit. Anyway, the awakened can detect the difference between a natural disaster and an unnatural and induced act of seismic activity, in the same way that they can see that the clouds that surround them are not natural ((Clare Swinney’s Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch site is filled with pictures of clouds she and her cronies take to be examples of geo-engineering. No matter what we think of their conspiracy theories, such sites are going to be a internet treasure when it comes to a record of cloud types one day in the future.)). Now, I’m no connoisseur of quakes ((I’ve been in one, a very small affair, in Wellington. The children, who I was helping mind, didn’t even look up from their train set.)) but I’m fairly sure that even if I were, I’d find it hard to distinguish between a quake which was artificially produced and one that was entirely natural. The end result, presumably, is the same: the Earth moves! ((Exclamation mark used for effect; in the audiobook version of this site Orson Welles intones that last clause.)). To know anything else, well, I’d need to be a seismologist.

Now, perhaps I should give the conspiracy theorists some credit here; one of the ways you can apparently distinguish between a natural quake and the artificial alternative is by the mental fatigue HAARP activity brings about in the general populace. See, the HAARP installation doesn’t just affect the weather; it also makes people docile, confused and easily controllable.

Now, it is true that, post the quake, the population of Christchurch were fatigued, tired and looking for leadership. They were docile, confused and suspect to control. Now, call me a folk psychologist (and amateur student of the human condition), but I would have thought post any quake, natural or not, that the general populace would be confused, stressed, tired and looking for leadership. These are, I would wager, perfectly normal reactions for people, post a crisis (like, say, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake ((The conspiracy theorists are also concerned that the magnitude of the quake changed from a reported 7.4 to a 7.1, as if there is something sinister about that, rather than accepting that the initial estimation of the quake’s magnitude was refined as more measurements were received.))), to have. You do not need some additional theory to explain those reactions.

Now, the conspiracy theorists will go on to say that these symptoms were present in the build-up to the quake; the evidence predicts and thus lends support to the thesis that the quake was induced by the HAARP installation. The symptoms, which include itchy eyes, swollen lymph nodes, headaches and the like, are all so vague as to be easily satisfied by any feeling of unease or discomfort in the days prior to the event. If you felt unwell at any point prior to the quake, it seems, then that is proof positive that something was about to happen. This is simply not good enough, as evidence, to be a prediction that lends support to the explanatory hypothesis that the earthquake was caused by the HAARP facility. Predictions need to be novel; they need to be unexpected pieces of data if they are to support such an extraordinary. People feeling generically sick… Well, that happens all the time. Eyeballs leaking blood and cats transforming into all-singing, all-dancing chorus line-ups of Michael York impersonators… Well, if that is what the theory predicts and that had happened, then we would have something to talk about.

Quite how HAARP creates these effects (both physiological and seismically) is due to its manipulation of the Earth’s Magnetic Field (EMF), which is an example of those wonderful hand-waving theses in pseudoscience. We all know that the EMF is important and thus we should be rather worried if it turns out people that people are manipulating it. If you can suggest that some installation can affect that field, well, conspiracy theories will flow from that “fact.” Of course, if you then go away and do the calculations to work out how much energy that would require to have an effect on the scale the conspiracy theorists claim it had (and explain away why Alaska doesn’t seem to suffer cataclysmic disaster every time the facility is fired up), then the theory begins to falter. Much better, I think, to look for some principal cause which is local for the quake.

Mining is a bit of a buzzword at the moment; let us look at doing some exploratory drilling.

Next time: Some other sundry theories about the Christchurch Earthquake of September 4th.