Hello world

"Hello world" is/was the default first post on a blog, and it feels very much as if I have been neglecting this blog over the last year. Prior to coming to Bucharest I ensured (for the most part) that every Monday would feature a new post. SInce arriving here… Well, I think I've written about four posts in total (I'm ignoring posting the links to the podcast; that's more cross-promotion than anything else).

Why the relative silence? Well, because I currently have a job where writing is my main endeavour, and the purpose of that writing is to get published in journals. So, when I'm writing, I'm writing for work; blogging on "company" time seems wasteful. When I get home from work the last thing I want to do is write; that was the purpose of the day, after all, and these CW shows won't watch themselves. So, the blog has taken a bit of a backseat… My, the litany of metaphors I'm trying to avoid here is legion; this is what happens when you spend the day in academic prose mode. It leads to aphorism leakage in the rest of our life.

Anyway, my silence has been productive; this year I've had three articles accepted for publication in journals, have three articles doing the rounds at journals,proposed a new book (an edited volume), worked on two book chapters, and written a host of material for the SERRC. I've been writing a lot, just not here.

But given I'm not writing here, I'm beginning to wonder what the purpose of this blog is. I either need to get back into the mode of producing novel content for it, or archive the bally thing and move on. I don't really want to do the latter, but I've yet to come up with a satisfactory plan for the former. I'm going to play around with a few ideas over the coming weeks and see what suits me best.