Call for Papers – #twecon 2013

Call for Papers: #twecon – May 21st, 2013

The author of the blog “EPISTO!,” Matthew Dentith (HORansome), is inviting paper titles and abstracts for the 4th #twecon (a Twitter-based conference), to be held on May the 21st, 2013 (from 10am NZST).

The brief for this tweet-based conference is open and thus we are accepting papers on any topic.

To submit a paper for inclusion at #twecon please tweet your paper’s title and short abstract (you may want to use a tweet for each) with the tag #twecon any time between now and the 9th of May.

Anyone may may submit paper titles and abstracts.

Details about the previous #twecon, including copies of the papers given at the conference, can be found here, here and here.


1. Papers may be no longer than 6 tweets in length (with one of those tweets being a compulsory title/byline).

2. Each tweet must be numbered.

3. Tweets may link to images, short video clips (less than thirty seconds in length), but cannot link to written material unless it is a link to a quote, further readings, et cetera.

You should not use a link in a tweet to get around the 140 character limit.

4. Each tweet must have the following tag: #twecon

The Conference

The conference will start on Tuesday, the 21st of May at 10am New Zealand time. Please keep an eye on the #twecon hashtag during that time or visit this page (link coming) for updates.

After the opening address (at 10am) has been given, presenters may start giving their papers. In the last three years there has been no strict timetable and people have used what might be called a “modicum of common sense” to ensure that papers were given throughout the day (rather than just being lumped together in the morning).

Once all the listed papers have been given there will be a closing speech, at which point presenters and attendees are expected to go to their local alehouse, pub, coffee spot or liquor cabinet for a post-conference drink. You are not required to wear name tags during the conference, but if you want to wear a badge emblazoned “I just presented at #twecon: ask me about my paper!” during the day you will not be stopped from doing so (unless such an activity is illegal in your jurisdiction).

All papers will be archived on this website here.


It’s conspiracy theorists, not conspiracy theories, which might be the problem – @HORansome

Toi Whakaari: using marae based frameworks – @librarykris

Smells like books: Modern practices of book fetishisation – Donna Robertson

Post-disaster gardening: private commemorations and public art in Christchurch. – Cheryl Bernstein

Pleistocene Rewilding Possibilities in New Zealand – Mike Dickison

How Cats Get Famous on the Internet: Changing Approaches to Feline Celebrity – Andre Alessi

“Sad Sylvia” The repression of literary women in the mid 20th Century – Pauline Dawson

Human Migration (rightsideupsidedown) – @Colby

Motorbikes, or, how I learned to stop caging and enjoy the scared – aimee whitcroft

Orgies and cannibalism in New Zealand. A shocking tale of widespread depravity – Siouxsie Wiles

Interesting food-health associations: confounding or publication bias? – Thomas Lumley

Testing times: what does effective classroom assessment look like in the 21st century? – Stephanie
