Conspiracy Corner – Blue Ivy

This week’s Conspiracy Corner was all about Hip Hop Illuminati Satanist babies. Well, the most recent Hip Hop Illuminati Satanist baby, Blue Ivy, the first child of the alleged-Illuminati pop couple Beyonce and Jay-Z.

Why “Hip Hop Illuminati Satanist baby?” Well, no one is going to deny the hip hop connection with Blue Ivy, but there are various and sundry claims that Beyonce and Jay-Z are either in the Illuminati or, at the very least, are puppets for the Illuminati, and then there are the theories that they are Satanists, with their baby being Satan’s heir (or something: these things get confusing the more you drill into them).

So, let’s start from the top.

The Illuminati Connection

The general tenor of most Illuminati conspiracy theories is that the Illuminati either already control, or are about to cement their control, of the world. Their resources are vast: banks in Zurich, military installations (which masquerade as UN bases) in almost all the countries of the world, plus vested interests in almost all forms of the media. The Illuminati controlled the printing presses so that knowledge of their continued existence would not (easily) get out, they controlled the libraries so we would only have access to information they want us to know and, in this modern age, they control the output of pop culture (music, TV, novels and films, et al) in order to influence our preferences and make us feel well-disposed towards our illuminated elites.

If you believe any of the former, then it makes sense that successful artists like Beyonce and Jay-Z are, if not witting members of the Illuminati, the products of Illuminati rule.

Now, let’s not dwell on what might be taken to be a fairly racist reason for this kind of conspiracy (that African Americans in the music business only become successful if they are backed by a huge, Caucasian, set of conspirators), because whilst I think this drives an awful lot of similar conspiracy theories, it also turns out that people make the same claims about other artists, from all sorts of backgrounds: whilst racism can explain some of these theories, it won’t mop all of them up. Some of the time there is a simpler explanation for such conspiracy theories: I don’t like this kind of thing and don’t know why other people would like it unless those other people are dancing to the strings of some puppeteer!

Yes, sometimes people posit conspiracy theories to explain why people might have different opinions from them (witness people on the hard left and hard right talking about anyone who isn’t with them for further evidence).

Now, the Illuminati conspiracy theories about Beyonce and Jay-Z aren’t just based around the simple claim that they represent Illuminati interests and can only be successful because of their Illuminati connections: much of the so-called evidence for the conspiracy theories is the prevalence of Illuminati imagery in the works of Beyonce and Jay-Z.

I’ve talked about this kind of thing before, specifically with reference to the Illuminati conspiracy theories surrounding Lady Gaga (who does use Illuminati and Masonic imagery in her work, but, it seems, not in a “I work for them” way but rather “This gets my work noticed by an excitable part of the internet, which is easy and free publicity,” way). It does seem that you can find Illuminati-esque artwork and imagery in the works of both Jay-Z and Beyonce, but, then again, look hard enough and you will find Illuminati-esque artwork and imagery almost everywhere. If you are looking for coded references in a work, you are liable to find them (Umberto Eco’s “Foucault’s Pendulum” takes this to its ultimate effect). I bet my PhD thesis (coming very soon to a University of Auckland library near you ((The examiners’s reports are in and my oral is likely to be in the middle of February: Yay!))) is riddled with coded references to the Illuminati master plan.

Just because you can find a coded reference, this doesn’t mean the author intended for you to find it, let alone knew it was there in the first place.

The Satanist Connection

That last comment nicely leads into the Satanist angle on Blue Ivy: apparently “Blue Ivy” stands for “Born living under evil, Illuminati’s very youngest.”

Indeed. #sarcasm

Or, if you don’t buy that, how about the fact that the baby’s name backwards is “Eulb Yvi,” which is apparently Latin or something for “Lucifer’s Daughter.”

It’s such a pity we have Latin (and Greek, and Aramaic, et al) dictionaries to check such claims, because when checked, these claims, which seemed startling, turn out to be so startling as to be incorrect.

I was going to say “It used to be…” except the following comment shows that it still is: sometimes artists don’t make pacts with human vested interests like the Illuminati but appeal, rather, to the Devil in order to become successful ((People like David Icke will say the Devil and the Illuminati are one and the same.)). Usually the pact between artist and devil is bound in blood and there are benefits to both side: the artist sees success beyond their natural talents and the Devil either receives the soul of the artist upon death (for the purposes of eternal damnation) or the first child of the artist.

This is meant to explain why, apparently, a witch turned up at the hospital to claim baby Blue Ivy.

No evidence was actually offered for that claim: it was just stated as fact.

Satanist conspiracy theories about artists are just like the Illuminati ones: you can’t help but feel that sometimes the people alleging conspiracy are either hiding their racism behind claims of all-powerful agents secretly controlling the world or that they just can’t understand why the kids would listen to “that stuff.” Me, I can’t wait until Punk becomes respectable (like Jazz has), and we all go to see quartets in the local town hall perform interpretations of The Damned’s “Turkey Song” whilst sipping wine and wearing frockcoats.

Next time (probably): The Illuminati and “Doctor Who.”


llewelly says:

The general tenor of most Illuminati conspiracy theories is that the Illuminati either already control, or are about to cement their control, of the world. Their resources are vast: banks in Zurich, military installations (which masquerade as UN bases) in almost all the countries of the world, plus vested interests in almost all forms of the media. The Illuminati controlled the printing presses so that knowledge of their continued existence would not (easily) get out, they controlled the libraries so we would only have access to information they want us to know and, in this modern age, they control the output of pop culture (music, TV, novels and films, et al) in order to influence our preferences and make us feel well-disposed towards our illuminated elites.

phew. Good thing I get all my news and entertainment from the internet.