The Ripple Effect

So, the BBC, in its wisdom, has an episode of ‘The Conspiracy Files’ devoted to the man behind ‘The Ripple Effect.’ I know this because the internet reports on such things, and the BBC, in its promotional glory, has a page telling us about the episode. What is especially great are the comments, for they are of the ‘I’m not a Conspiracy Theorist, but…’ variety.

It is interesting that both the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks occurred at times when the political leader of the nation was suffering in public opinion, and that both these attacks have enabled the governments involved to introduce draconian measures in the name of “security”. Whilst I do not actually believe that the governments were directly involved in either of these attacks (or at least I pray they were not), I am not so sure that they did not consciously ignore critical intelligence and thus allow the events to come to pass.
Bryan Wallbridge, Boston, Lincolnshire

is fried gold (it’s the variation on the so-called ‘Conventry Excuse’ (my terminology)), but the one I like the most is:

Well, I’m not into conspiracy theories but it happens to be completely true that the security services in both New York on 9/11 and London on 7/7 were running mock terrorist attack exercises. Make of that what you will.
Mike, Corby

Which is just fantastic. It’s a little like my ‘favourite’ tactic of a certain class of people who go ‘I’m not a racist, but…’ where what follows after the ‘but’ is almost always racist ((I sometimes like to say at parties something along the lines of ‘I’m not a racist, but I do enjoy watching ‘Lost’.’ It tends to confuse.)). “I’m not a Conspiracy Theorist,” says Mike, “but…”

You’re not fooling anyone.

9/11 Cult watch has reviewed the documentary here. I am endeavouring to obtain a copy for my archives.